Meet Maggie Alsdurf: From Criminal Justice Student to Soldier

Maggie Alsdurf, a senior at Chelsea High School and a #ClaremoreCampus Criminal Justice student, found her path to the Army National Guard through an unexpected journey.

“I never thought I’d join the military until I took Criminal Justice,” Alsdurf said. “It wasn’t something I planned. I just saw the class at the Sophomore Tours, thought it looked fun, and signed up. By December, I had enlisted.”

Maggie spent last summer at Boot Camp in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and now, during her senior year, she's preparing for AIT training next summer. She’ll soon be serving as a Military Police (MP) officer.

“Boot Camp was tough, but Criminal Justice helped,” Alsdurf said. “The physical fitness training gave me a head start, and the program has made me more observant and confident in myself. I love the Jiu Jitsu training, plus all the hands-on fighting techniques we learn.”

Maggie’s Criminal Justice experience at Northeast Tech has not only shaped her career in the military, but it’s also given her the confidence to think about college—potentially pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice at Oklahoma State University with a goal to serve in civilian law enforcement one day.

“I had no idea what I wanted to do before this program, and now I have a plan. Northeast Tech helped me find my path.”